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Features Focused on Field Service Management Needs

I always seems impossible until it's done.


Our accounting easy to use features are essential for you to understand how your business is running economically. We offer you the benefits of looking into the details using our built-in graphs and data charts. You can see where your money is leaking and where you are making the most profits


- Expenses 

- Invoices 

- Forecasting 

- Loans


Human Resources

HR is for more than just large companies. Now you can have your own self-managed, easy-to-use human resource department. You will be able to understand how your employees are performing with our goal platforms making easy decisions when it comes to hiring and firing with our data-driven platform.


- Rewards 

- Crews 

- Meetings 

- Contracts 

- Goals 

- Problems 

- Hiring 

- Vacations 

- Workforce 

- Parking Tickets 



Our Customer Relationship Management system is super easy to navigate through. You will be able to keep track of your potential customers and current customers without sweat. You can tag your customers with icons making it easy to understand who are the most important people you want to keep on high-priority lists.


- Companies

- Customer 

- Jobs 

Hotline Consultant


Our Inventory system can be the most straightforward or most complex. You choose how complicated it will be. We have charts and automated information that will tell you which products are your best sellers and which aren't. You can compare products and auto-refill notifications when they run out.


- Fleet 

- Vendors 

- Product Catalog 

- Tools 

Scanning Box for Shipment


We specialize in dispatching. With our map tracking system and GPS monitoring, your dispatchers will never be lost. Mistakes will be made to a minimum with your employees because of the color-coded systems we have created for best practices.


- Dispatch Map


Call Center Employee


Our calendar system is color-coded, and teams can be made. You can modify it so you can have multiple calendars for different types of departments in your industry. The drag-and-drop method keeps everything clean and easy to navigate. We will even tell you the upcoming on your daily calendar if that's important to your industry.


- Calendars

Calendar Pages


We have created our communication phone and chat that syncs with our system. When customers call, it auto-tags them if we have worked with them in the past and makes it easy for your dispatchers to call in and out using your customer's profiles. Your employees can now chat with each using our chat system, so everything stays within the business.


- Phone 

- Chat 

- Forum 

- Task Board 

Globalization concept


Information technology is now in your footsteps. You can create databases for brands, suppliers, models, manuals, pdfs etc. You will have direct access to them if you assign the database to your jobs. That way, you are always learning from the past and never have to restart research you have already done.


- Ai system 

- Language 

- API's


Young Programmer


You now have access to a research and development department in your business. You will be able to keep track of the progress of your innovative projects by assigning goals to them. You will be able to drop projects and come back to them knowing exactly where you left off.


- Projects

- Databases 

- Feedback Portal 



We will supply you with marketing knowledge to grow your business, and you can track everything you do, whether it is digitally generated or old-school paper. You will be able to see your performance on your advertising by monitoring it with phone numbers and other unique methods we will explain.



- SMO 


- Traditional

- Reviews

- Email Blast


Architects Office

Statistics Driven

Every single module has its own statistics section where you can see graphs and statistics on almost anything pertaining to that module. Having key data opens opportunities and closes bad choices you never knew existed. We have built this software to make it very useful for the owner understanding how there business works on paper. You have the feature to also customize any reports in the dashboard page and create templates to get a quick glance how your business is performing on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis.

Permissions Control

As an owner you will be able to deligate who gets to see what in the software. We took the libertiy to create simple default templates for positions in the company (ex: technicians, Office worker, Admin, Etc). You can modify any of these templates to your desire. 



Time Stamps


Time Stamps will show the exact time someone inputs a note or updates something in the software, Monitoring every action allows the owners to keep track of everyone and keeps employees knowing they can be caught doing anything wrong.

GPS Tracking

Your Fleet Can be easily be seen with the GPS integration feature. This allows you to see live feedback where all your technicians are on the road. No need to call them anymore to find out where they are. Let your dispatchers easily book in more jobs knowing where they are. Keep track of there speeding limits and create geotargeting zones to see when they leave or arrive at any location. the automated system has so many impressive features that will make you have tremendous benefits.


The Tigado software is built in Quebec, we understand the use of multilingual interfaces. With a simple switch of a button any body can use the system in English, French, Spanish, Etc... The integrated auto translate feature helps bridge the barrier between two users that dont speak the same language. You as an owner of the company can turn on or off this feature if you strictly want the users to only use the system in your preferred choice of language.

Ready to Kickstart Your Journey?

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